25 Jan The Next 3 Big Tech Acts To Watch Out For At Events
It’s no secret that entertainment is becoming less and less about the entertainment itself and more about the experience it creates for events attendees. At the same time, the integration of event tech is expanding the different ways that we can create unique experiences, and opening up doors to bring brand experiences to a younger generation that has grown up with technology at their fingertips.
There are three big entertainment options that are integrating technology into their acts in new and innovative ways that we’ve not previously seen. Here is a quick overview of each and why you should be considering them as your next event entertainment.
Interactive Digital Magic
iPad magicians have been around for years and so it’s no wonder that wielders of this craft are constantly devising new and exciting ways to bring digital magic to audiences. Gone are the days when a magician was just that, a magician, now many are also computer programmers savvy in the language of code and operating systems.
Tom London is a digital magician that has set himself apart from the rest with his ability to create completely customized, interactive, digital magic shows that work on stage and up close. Able to program completely custom tricks on a wide range of platforms, he can seamlessly integrate traditional and digital magic.
His latest feat has been developing an interactive stage show that works across all platforms and audience sizes. Prior to the event, he creates a website, from scratch, that is specific to the event. Then, on the night, event attendees will be invited to take out their mobile devices at the start of the performance and login to the website. Once logged in their phones will become part of the magic trick and used as a vehicle to choose audience participants, display key messages and elements of each magic trick, and play accompanying music and videos.
The beauty of this unique form of magic is that it can be manipulated to suit any situation, from a stage show at a product launch, to a close-up magic act at a themed private party.
Hologram Illusion Shows
Hologram technology has been, believe it or not, in development since before the 1970s with applications varying from art installations to holographic data storage.
Now the entertainment world has found a use for this incredible technology that will blow you away! Integrating sophisticated hologram technology with magic performance, Hologram illusionist Hiroki (who you’ll recognised from America’s Got Talent 2016) takes the art of magic to a whole new level. Using carefully positioned lightweight mesh screens onto which images are projected to create 3D holograms, his holographic illusion show sees a vortex of feathers transformed into a real dove, a single card sprout into a giant tree, and our magician himself transform into a dove and fly away! This is entertainment that sees the line between real and holographic objects well and truly blurred. Imagine going to see a 3D movie without the glasses and the actors performing live on stage rather than on screen.
Of course, with any high-tech entertainment option there is room for customisation and the insertion of branding, so if you want your company logo to spring forth from nothing and be displayed as a giant holographic image you can!
Imaginative Video Mapping
Event planners are always striving to create events that capture attendees’ imaginations and make a lasting impression. Audio-visual presentations are a great way to do this as they have an emotional appeal, though it is getting harder and harder to employ these tactics whilst still making sure you stand out from the crowd.
The number of events utilising 3D video mapping as entertainment has only increased in recent years with it being used in a multitude of different ways on stage and on buildings, trees, cakes and even dresses! Out of the Box Video Mapping takes 3D video mapping in a whole new direction combining hand drawn illustrations, music, poetry, acrobatics, dance and physical theatre to create an epic story from “future history”. Self proclaimed “light poets” this video mapping group give projection mapping a soul and present an awe-inspiring show that steers away from garish computer graphics and instead creates a story that is more fantasy animation than glorified video.
This unique combination of projection mapping and illustration animation that has been hand drawn frame by frame creates a multimedia performance that is truly special and certain to make any event memorable. If a show like this doesn’t captivate event attendees’ kick start their imaginations nothing will.
Why are they so popular?
The thing that each of these new forms of entertainment technology have in common is their ability to create shared experiences that appeal to attendees’ emotions on several different levels. The proven effects of storytelling and imaginative representation on event attendees’ abilities to recall events and associated brands is just one reason why you should be considering entertainment options like these for events in 2016 and beyond.